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Chiropractic Care

At Tabrizi Family Chiropractic, our focus is on providing effective and efficient pain relief for our patients. If you’re experiencing discomfort or irritation from old or new sports injuries, car accidents, or daily aches and pains, our gentle and focused chiropractic adjustments can help you get back to living your life to the fullest.

Lower back adjustment

How We Can Help

Chiropractic care involves the use of hands-on techniques to relieve pressure on nerves by adjusting the bones in the spine. This can alleviate discomfort and pain caused by a variety of factors, including poor posture, prolonged sitting, and traumatic events.

Over the course of days, months and years, joints in your body can become jammed, which leads to pressure on the nerves and disrupted communication between organs.

If your nervous system can’t send information to those organs, muscles and tissues, they’re going to react and you’re going to feel symptoms, like pain. Our team works to help relieve that pressure and reverse that process through comprehensive treatment plans.

Our team, led by Dr. Tabrizi, uses a variety of techniques, including the Diversified technique and low force Activator technique among others, to provide comprehensive treatment plans tailored to each patient’s needs. Following your initial visit and X-rays, we will determine the best course of action to target the root cause of your pain.

What to Expect

At Tabrizi Family Chiropractic, we understand that chiropractic care can be intimidating for some patients, which is why we take a gradual approach to adjustments. Our physiotherapy modalities, massage therapy and acupuncture may also be recommended as part of the chiropractic plans to help alleviate pain.

Learn More Today

If you’re suffering from neck, shoulder, low back, hip, or knee pain, sciatica, or lingering sports injuries, don’t hesitate to reach out to Tabrizi Family Chiropractic. We’re here to help you on your path to healing.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Chiropractic Care | Tabrizi Family Chiropractic